Monday, November 21, 2011

Helping Your Friends Help You During Your Cancer Treatment

Do not protect yourself by a fence, but rather by your friends. --Czech Proverb

Once friends learn of your cancer, they may begin to worry. Some will ask you to tell them ways to help. Others will wonder how they can help but may not know how to ask. You can help your friends cope with the news by letting them help you in some way. 

Think about the things your friends do well and don't mind doing. Make a list of things you think you might need. This way, when they ask you how they can be of help, you'll be able to share your list of needs and allow them to pick something they're willing to do.

Sample list of need:
  • Baby-sit on days that I go to treatment.
  • Prepare frozen meals for my "down days."
  • Put my name on the prayer list at my place of worship.
  • Bring me a few books from the library when you go.
  • Visit for tea or coffee when you can.
  • Let others know that it is alright to call or visit me (or let others know that I'm not ready for visitors just yet).

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